Many successful people in business consider time tracking the lifeline of their business. For them, achieving the same level of insight with the same effort in a particular amount of time. Let’s learn about time tracking and how it is important for you and your organization, regardless of size and industry.

What Is Time Tracking?

Time tracking refers to monitoring and keeping a record of the time spent on billable and nonbillable projects and tasks. The practical implementation of time tracking in business means logging employees’ working hours.

Measuring the time spent on a certain project does not only help a manager to compensate the employee but also determine how much time it takes to complete a certain project.

Time tracking is considered crucial in business as you can’t manage the time you do not track.

Benefits Of Time Tracking

An insight into time tracking can be an eye-opener for your employees. It can bring numerous benefits to your business.

Boost Accountability

One advantage of time tracking is that it can help keep your employees accountable. Monitoring throughout the day will make the employees more focused and conscious about completing the tasks on time. Each employee would realize that it’s important to be productive, ultimately benefiting your business.

Employees tend to get distracted easily and spend a lot of time talking to coworkers, web browsing, or even making phone calls. With the right time tracking software, you can monitor the idle time, apps, and URLs to keep an employee accountable and manage the team accordingly.

Manage Workloads

Time tracking can make your business more transparent. You would know what tasks are being completed and their duration. Also, you realize which activities need to be questioned and start prioritizing the work.

It can also help an employer understand if an employee has too much on his plate. You can quickly identify who is overworked and which employee can help share the workload. Likewise, if everyone is maxed out, it can indicate if there is a need for additional help.

Improve Efficiency

Traditional time tracking methods can be time-consuming as it may take managers hours to record and organize spreadsheets for employee payrolls. Also, there is a chance of error, and the employee tends to get less productive while recording the details manually. 

The automated process of a reliable time tracking tool can solve this problem, thereby boosting the efficiency of everyone, from employees to business owners.

Types Of Time Tracking

Time tracking can be categorized into two types, and you must not confuse one with the other.

Personal Time Tracking

As the name suggests, personal time tracking allows you to monitor your time spent on certain activities. It allows you to record worked hours and help prioritize your tasks. 

Project Time Tracking

The next type involves time tracking directly on the projects and tasks of the company. It makes managing the tasks and team much easier across the organization while giving a better insight into time management in the future.

Depending on the task and organization, different time tracking software can be utilized for your business. Taskaty is a great tool for this purpose so be sure to give it a try!

  • Timekeeping software
  • Timesheet software
  • Time clock software
  • Automatic time tracker
  • Time recording software

What Is Project Management Time Tracking?

Project management time tracking refers to monitoring how long a team takes to complete a task. This tool is vital for analyzing the team’s productivity and tracking the project’s progress.

While this tool can help managers to set estimates for projects, it also helps the employees to stay more focused and productive.

Is Project Management With Time Tracking Needed?

Time tracking with project management always lends a competitive advantage to your business. It helps you easily manage all the elements from planning to communication to production to even client management. The automated process allows you to keep track of productive time while prioritizing the work that can bring profit to your business.

Why Is Time Tracking Important In Project Management?

Time tracking can help manage the entire team and projects. Utilizing this process can bring several benefits to project management.

Keep The Team Focused

Time tracking can help your employees stay focused and accountable. They will try to finish the tasks quickly before getting on the new ones.

Improve Transparency

The data collected from time tracking allows the managers to prepare reports on project length and team productivity. These reports can be shown to clients and thus improves transparency during a project.

Assign Tasks

Time tracking tools can also help a manager determine what projects can be quickly completed by a certain employee and assign him similar tasks in the future.

Is Project Management The Same As Time Management?

Time management is one of the major components of project management. This term refers to the amount of time spent on a project and the progress made. Different strategies are employed to ensure the completion of the project within the deadline. There are three important P’s in time management to increase work efficiency; planning, prioritizing and performing.

What Are The Benefits Of Tracking A Project?

Project management gives an indication of the reputation and profitability of a business. Tracking a project can prove beneficial in multiple ways.

Accurate Estimates

Project tracking comes in handy while estimating how long a project will take to complete. This helps in establishing realistic expectations for the clients without having to over-promise.

Team Management

Once you have a rough idea of the duration of a project, you can plan the project and assign the tasks to the employee in a much better way. Also, this strategy helps elevate the conversation to a more productive level.

Keeps Projects Profitable

Each hour of a project represents a certain cost. Tracking how many hours goes into completing a project can help determine the cost and whether the project is profitable to your business.

Who Uses Time Tracking?

Any organization, whether small or big, can benefit from time tracking. This strategy is employed by the following:

Companies That Bill By The Hour

A time tracking tool is essential if your company bills the clients hourly. This provides a detailed work record and helps build an honest relationship with your client.


Time is precious, especially if you run a one-person business. You can’t afford to lose a valuable client. A timesheet or Taskaty can keep track of the hours spent on a task and present a clear record to the client.

Remote Teams

If your business hires a dispersed team, a time tracking tool is best to ensure project management and transparency. You can monitor the contribution and progress of the project with ease.

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